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Presearch – a decentralized search engine, powered by the community

Welcome to Presearch.   An open, decentralized search engine that rewards community members with Presearch Tokens for their usage, contribution to, and promotion of the platform.

In a world where one company controls 77% of all searches, influencing trillions of dollars in spending, shaping perceptions and effectively acting as the primary gatekeeper to the Internet, a new, open and community-driven search engine is a necessity.

Presearch has an innovative go-to-market strategy to target the most frequent searchers – web workers – and gain early adoption, on our way to releasing future versions of the open source platform that will utilize a blockchain-based index, curated by the community.

More than 10,000 users are already testing the Presearch beta platform.  Together, we can provide Internet users with an alternative to the search hegemony that dictates where most of us learn, engage and spend our valuable attention and resources.

Sign Up Here to Receive a Sign On Bonus of 25 PRE and Get Paid When You Search!

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